Will Sell Out All Her Property in France, She Says, and Come Home. CHILDREN TO GROW UP HERE Hopes When She Is Settled in This Country
Matrimonial Rumormongers Will Leave Her Alone.
Reports We Are to Have an Exclusion Arouses Great Discontent.

“Dear Mrs. Briggs:
As Editor of The Bulletin I have been wanting to write you personally acknowledging your letter and thanking you for it. The letter said some of the things that we think ought to be said, and I have taken the liberty of publishing it--perhaps you have already seen it in Bulletin No. 8.
The business is splendid beyond all expectations, and Mr. Briggs has been bearing his part in it with success and honor. I think, and we all think, you have every reason to be proud of him, ad I assure you we are.
Yours very truly,
George Christ
Asst. Sec'y.
The Osborne Company"

Editor's notes
One fascinating aspect of this project is the ability to peek into the culture and roles of middle-class white women in the last century. As referenced in the tab on The Osborne Man website, the Osborne Company had what would now be an extraordinary relationship with the wives of their salesmen. We will discover several letters back and forth between the company secretary and Sue, John's wife, cheering on his sales, commenting on the company policies and more. Please check out more on The Osborne Company's strategy to engage the wives of their salesmen on "The Osborne Co" tab on the website.