[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]
FRENCH FORCES ARE MOVING Troops Began Their March Beyond the Rhine Last Night.
Two Women Arrested, but Later Released Because They Had Not Been Warned. SOCIETY WOMEN IN ASSAULT Miss Stanton, Granddaughter of Lincoln's War Secretary, Tears Offending Banner.
WASHINGTON, April 5 (Associated Press).—The Federal Government moved today to put an end to the picketing Of the British Embassy, which was renewed this morning by women sympathizers with the movement for an Irish Republic

Yates Hotel,
Utica, N.Y.
The Hotel of Personal Service
April 6th, 1920
My Darling
Did not expect to be in Utica overnight, but here I am. Just as I was leaving Utica I decided to go to Vernon on third rail instead of going up north at 8:45. Got to Vernon a little before 10 and sold two orders to old customers for $28.85 and $38. After dinner tried to take car a little before one o'clock so as to make connection out of Utica for the north at 1:45. Car was late so I knew I couldn't make connection. Good

thing for me! Went back to town and sold three new customers for $53.00, $43 and $23.35. What did you say about looking up business in your letter. Shoot!
Expect to work in Holland, Patent and Barnesweld tomorrow. Hinckley and Poland Wednesday. Newport and Middleville and Herkimer, Thursday. Saint Johnsville, Friday. Be sure to have letter for me at Herkimer Palmer House and Saint Johnsville. Gen. Del. [General Delivery]. Rather think I shall be able to go home Saturday night on late train. In case you come to Utica this week, come Saturday. It is possible I may work Bridgewater and. Unadilla Forks Saturday and in that case I would be at Rich. Junction to come down on train leaving Utica at 10:30. That would not be very pleasant for you, would it? If I? Should come through to Utica I would not get here until 9:00. If I stop at Junction, knowing that train would stop at Earlville, I could walk down to Cassiville, about a mile and get an order in the evening. You can write me what you think about it.
I am not the least bit pleased with the article on page 3 of the Bulletin “Ambition.” I think the whole article is uncalled for and mention of any names as ideals of success is absolutely in bad taste. Wilkinson is no more entitled to praise than Mr. Sneed or Mr Lukey or many others, in fact, most of the men. To leave out men like Phillips and Merle Bennett, simply because they have not been doing grand stand work this year, probably on account of illness, is horrible. It was not necessary to mention any names.
I feel well satisfied with the orders today and will endeavor to keep cheerful and happy for I know that it will help to give happiness to you, and you are all the world to me.
I just believe I'll take your advice and either buy a second hand car or none at all. You can check up and see how our personal account stands. Enter in your personal checkbook one check for $10 and another for $30.
I must get to bed and rest for the tomorrow. We must not fail on $600 this week. It will be a tight squeeze this week.
Your loving
