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Bennett swore and cussed at the luck-Letter Home–Feb. 15, 1921



Executor of Estate Will Try to Prove Unhappy Home Life by Many Witnesses. WILL CALL PROMINENT MEN Court Asked to Name Commission to Take Testimony inBehalf of Mrs. Thomas.CHARGE HE WAS NEGLECTEDFormer Transit Head Said to HaveDeclared Wife Had Ruined Him—Opposed Daughter's Marriage.


Bankers to Take $6,000,000 of North Dakota Bonds if Policies Are Reversed. TOWNLEY GIVES UP FIGHTScandinavian-American Bank of Fargo, a League Institution, Closes Its Doors. Emergency Legislation Wanted. FIX TERMS DOOMING DAKOTA SOCIALISM Bankers to Supply Cash. Dissension Threatens League. Taxpayers to Assume Losses.


Hotel Crittenden

R. J. Walsh, Prop.

Coudersport, PA.

Croudersport, PA.

Tuesday, 11 PM

[February 15, 1921]

My darling Sue:

I reached Wellsboro, Pa. at 11:45 this morning and went directly to Tioga Co. Trust Co. Bank to see my friend. Mr. Bennett, the president, to get his order. He would not buy early this year and I may lose his order. He is the man who is so much alive on the Holsteins and he always wants to talk cow. He has a fine farm and about 100 herd of stock, an accredited herd and is very enthusiastic. Whenever I see him I think it’s

Salesman letter home

great. He was just showing me some photos of his beautiful stock when his man came into the bank and said he thought they were in for bad luck on one of their best ones, a three-year-old, whose picture Bennett had just shown me. He said she had fallen down twice and had evidently caused death of her calf. Bennett swore and cussed at the luck. So not everything runs as smooth as you might think. They were going to put the cow on semi-official yearly test. If Lloyd had been willing to stay and buckle in and do some testing we might have had a good time with our farm. It doesn’t do any special good to talk about what a fine bunch of young things we have now. It’s too late. There are so many enquires we might have disposed of them at home to good advantage but it is alright anyhow. Hope pedigrees are O.K. I am very anxious about that Borden calf. Better get pedigree right off to Mr. Hastings. Eggs have taken an awful drop! I am not sorry we have sold the farm and hope Crumb is going to take the farm on time. Glad you all from home and it’s quite probable that I’ll not get home until Sunday, but can’t say for sure.

I got an order for 1st Nat. of Wellsboro today for Business calendars for 288 but cuts are to follow so I don’t suppose the order will count for Marathon. I can’t write so you can read it so will close.

Love for all,



Editor's notes

I can almost taste the grief in this letter at the prospect of selling his beloved farm.

John mentions a “Marathon.” This must be one of the many sales contests the Osborne Company sponsors to encourage its sales team. He mentioned vying for a “china set” a few letters ago. John and Sues home was decorated with oil paintings, clocks and other memorabilia, identified as a prize with a brass plaque.

At the end of the last letter, John comments on his poor penmanship and states, because he “can’t write” he will close his letter. John has elegant penmanship and handwriting id, well, I’d give my right arm for!

If you're new to this project, please consider going to our site and catching up with a few letters from the 1900-1910 era. The letters only take 3-5 minutes to read and you'll find the characters more fully develop if you read the letters chronologically.

John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.

Check out our article in the New York Times!




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