[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]
Retaliatory Action, They Say, Would Have Followed His Denunciation of Treaties.INQUIRIES ABOUT JONES ACT Foreign Government Had made Them Informally While Awaiting the President's Decision
SUFFERED RELAPSE THURSDAY End Comes at 6:30 P.M. With His Family at His Bedside. SEMI-CONSCIOUS FOR 3 DAYS Arterio-Sclerosis Given as immediate Cause of Death ofFamous Philanthropist
Sunday Sept. 26
Dear mother and all,
Did that letter worry you? It has me ever since I sent it. I'm fine and everything is great now. That cake was wonderful. I took some down to the Fielding girls and the oldest one is always saying something funny, although she looks terribly dignified. She said tell your mother next time to send a high bust and long hip one. You remember the box you sent it in. They all think it's pretty nice the way I get boxes about every day. I guess you have sent everything I've asked for, and lots more too. Thanks a lot. And thanks to the kids for waiting as I suppose they did. What's happening to them in school?
This morning I went to Calvary Church with my big [sorority] sister, who was Marion’s little sister. Isn't that nice? Saw Martha and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Loomis from the distance, but Carrie was not there.
It has been just terribly warm here today, so I wore my organdy dress over to lunch. It sets great and all the kids like it, so pat yourself on the back. We sat out on the porch, but I was very particular to see that there was a cushion between me and it. I am with Virginia Sprague and Gertrude Hunt most of the time. We took a little walk after lunch and since then I have been writing letters to Alice and Grace. Wrote a long one to M[arion] too this afternoon as I had not written to her or anyone as far as that goes this last week. I don't know whether I told you about our invitation by the Sophs. or not. It was just the kids here in the hall, and they had us doing wild things, but it was fun. I wore my hair back with a without cootie garages, carried an umbrella and wore rubbers to classes. You can imagine how crazy that would be. And then one night when we had to wear our middies backwards, we put it over on them by dressing all crazy. M. We'll send her letter on to you and you will see it in there.
Are you terribly busy? How does everybody feel and what's happening? Didn't I answer your questions about Laura and that little note better? I know I did sometime, but can't tell but what it is the one I tore up. All my professors and teachers are great. I need mail on Tuesday, worst of any, so shoot em. I'm using a borrowed clock so wish you could send one.
Lots of love,
The ivory things are perfectly adorable. They look just great and I like them a lot. Were they my birthday presents?
Editor's notes
This letter is a bit out of order as I stumbled on it sorting letters from the end of the year. Betty continues her theme of asking for more letters and packages from home and seems to indicate she’s less than happy (tearing up letters, asking if a letter she sent worried her mother.) She referenced a “cootie garage” which I Googled. It is a hair style extremely popular in the 1920’s (think Princess Leia.)