[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]
Many New Jersey Communities Join This State in Observing Daylight Saving.LARGE CITIES ADOPT PLAN Rumor of Attempt at Albany to Repeal the Law Stirs Association Favoring It.

The Eagle
E. T. Smith
Downsville. N.Y.
March 28th, 1920
My Darling:
Yesterday was rather of a dark day without much promise of anything better for today. I was just hoping for a bright, beautiful Sunday and I was delighted when I awakened at about 6:30 to see the lovely sunshine driving through my bedroom windows. It's beautiful! I got up at seven and have just had breakfast at 8:00 o'clock.
I arrived at this town at 4:30 yesterday afternoon and went directly to Post Office where I found Last Editions, the Standard and your dear letter to cheer my heart. Your letter was just about what I wanted, and I have already read it three times. Don't let that big hug spoil and don't give it away. It will keep for me, alright. It may be that the coming week will be a big disappointment for us, so you will have to turn your mind back a week. It was hard to keep my resolve to finish up these towns but it was the best thing for me. And I am happy today Even though my sweetheart, J’Mine is not near me. Her spirit is with me and I shall think of you many times on this lovely day. You are very precious to me. This is a good hotel and I have a very pleasant front corner room well furnished, heated, with steam and with three windows. I am in hopes to get away from here at 11:45 a.m. Monday and to help me out I made two friendly calls last night and took two orders for $37.20 and $31. I have made enquiry and find that Dr. Follette is boarding across the street up a few houses and I may call on him today.
Yesterday I got two orders in Arena for $33 and $36 and one at. Sharertown for $96. I had two other orders in Sharertown last year, but they were both out of town yesterday. You can probably appreciate how grateful I am to my friends who gave us such nice business last week. I was very happy and I know you are.

Can hardly understand why people are so good to us. Our sales for the past week are $2270.02 in 20 orders. According to my figures, this makes our total sales about $20,600, leaving our bogey for next nine weeks about 3% per week. The acid test for 10 weeks was to add 100% to the sales of the corresponding 10 weeks of last year. My bogey for the 10 weeks is $907 per week. Don't believe I want to bother with that bogey, but you may if you care to. My first week of acid test was $1135, second, $935 and the past week was third of the test. I have my heart set on winning the chest by May 1st. Then I can don my overalls and go on to the farm for three months. Did you say no!
About the testing of the herd, this doesn't cost us one penny. The State furnishes the veterinary services and appraiser and the entire expense.
Tell Rob to do his darnedest in writing a corking good recommend for Mr. Monk.
How is Prince getting on. Hope his feet are better. I asked Dr. Hughes to take care of him.
I don't care if maple syrup does cost $3.00 a gallon we want at least three gallons. Have you heard anything from Paddleford? Has Mr. Holley seen you about the pasture. You want to charge me up with a $30 check last week and one for $50 this week on your personal checkbook.
Don't know of anything more to write just now. I want to go out for a good walk and into a sugar bush.
Love, unmeasured from your affectionate
Those two orders I took Saturday night here are not included in my week’s report to my manager.
Continued--Did not go to church this morning, but went out for a walk into the sugar bush. Sap has run some today but hasn't been running for past two days so no one has been boiling sap today. About five o'clock, I called on Dr. Follett. He is pleasantly located in a good home. He sends his kind regards to all. He seemed glad to have me call.
Have just come to my room from church. There are two churches here, the Presbyterian and Methodist. The former is closed for repairs. Including the organist and minister, there were just nineteen people out, and a beautiful evening at that.
Expect to be in Elmira Tuesday and Wednesday, Langwell Hotel. Can't tell just now where I’ll be balance of week. Think I will be in Groton Friday
Have had a quiet day. I slept from two till nearly five o'clock
If Paddleford will allow for $150 to $250 for car, you can make a deal. I think we ought to have at least $150. Don't let him know what I think about it, but get him to say what he will allow. New Dodge costs $1185.
