Tuesday AM
Dear mother
I just came back from class and found Louise's letter here. The next time your sick, have Louise write sooner awfully sorry and hope your all well and straight now. What was the matter? You have been doing to

much, I know. There is no hurry for the laundry, and don't do it yourself. Sorry, no one will be up for the games, but you know best. The tickets for the. Pit game are $1.50. Yesterday I went to swimming class. Passed it up so I can go over to the men's gym. Am terribly lame from it today. Someone called up last night and I think it was Hazel. Now, for goodness sake, take it easy. There is no reason why you can't with just three of you and letters to M[arion] and me. Have Louise send M[arion’s bathing Cape. That Gray one or some other at once, if you haven't already.
Lots of love,
I might possibly find someone that was not going to the game and get their student ticket. Our baby party is tonight.

Editor's notes
This letter is one of five or six I found together, with no envelope, written from one of the three girls. The were all written in early March, 1921.
If you're new to this project, please consider going to our site and catching up with a few letters from the 1900-1910 era. The letters only take 3-5 minutes to read and you'll find the characters more fully develop if you read the letters chronologically.
John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.
Check out our article in the New York Times!