French Contingent Occupies Two Towns on Way to Duesseldorf. GERMANS ARE RECONCILED "Better End With Horror Than Horror Without End," Is Rhine Feeling.
New Yates Hotel
Utica, N.Y.
The Hotel of Personal Service
March 8, 1921
My Darling:
Have had a real tired feeling all day. I spent the afternoon in xxxx but without results. Have no news to write. Will spend at least part of tomorrow in Utica and then on towards Fxxx xxxx at night.
and the auction. After sale in Syracuse will not have so much outside to think about and we will know just about where we are at. I am deeply thankful that things have moved along so smoothly so far. We have very much to be thankful for. Will try to drop J. P. Seely a word tonight. This break in our business has completely interrupted me in my work and it's hard to find myself. I am anxious to have car fixed and have the generator fixed. Wish the car were at Norwich and have Mr, Brennan look after it. Must quit and get ready for bed.
Your loving Jack
Editor's notes
If you're new to this project, please consider going to our site and catching up with a few letters from the 1900-1910 era. The letters only take 3-5 minutes to read and you'll find the characters more fully develop if you read the letters chronologically.
John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.
Check out our article in the New York Times!