As for Our Little Earth, Betelgeuse Is as Big as Trillions of Globes Like It.DIAMETER 260,000,000 MILESMichelson Measures Colossus of the Skies Whose LightComes to Us in 150 Years. GREAT TRIUMPH OF SCIENCEBy the Famous Physicist Whose Research Laid the Foundation for Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

The Windsor Hotel
Oneonta, New York
B.E. Swart Hotel Company, Inc.
Dec. 30, 1920
My darling:
I am wondering if you didn’t understand anything about my route this week. I thought I told you I would be in Walton, Delhi and Hobart. Have enquired at all these towns and left forwarding addresses. Tell Marion I saw Bella in Hobart and that she looks a little sweeter than ever.
Have just barely escaped a skunk [no sales] today. One little order in Delhi for $16.00 and Mr.
VanBuren in Hobart for $31.00 All orders are going smaller this year. G and B’s [a competitor] man was in Hobart yesterday and he sold only one order for about $40-$50. Three of my last year’s customers including the bank, I could not sell.
Must not write more. Am sorry not to have had a letter from you but I am sure it is my fault. Rather expect to get home from Norwich Saturday night. You may not believe it but I am not discouraged.
Your loving,

Editor's notes
With this final letter from John, we leave 1920. John has had some incredible highs in business but seems to be ending on a low note. Marion is off on her own and learning to be a teacher. The family still has a farm south of Earlville and is renting a home on North Main Street. Betty is a freshman at Syracuse University and is about to fall in love. Frank is a junior in High School and Louise is a freshman.
I’m taking a short break before starting 1921. I expect to be back starting October 17th. I have over 100 letters in 1921, mostly from John but also a few from both Marion and Betty. I can’t wait to share them with you!