Editor's Notes
John references his attempt to buy a saxophone in the letter. He will reference it later this month in a letter about Frank taking up the sax.

Hotel DeCumber
Wm. Turk, PROP’R
Sidney, N. Y.
June 14, 1921
My Darling,
While waiting for dinner I want to drop you a line. I stayed in Oxford last night and escaped a skunk by selling an order to a plumber after supper for $40. Tell Eliizabeth [John’s daughter] that his name is Boname and his son went to Washington with her and he is in her class in Syracuse. I got a little order in Guilford this morning for $27. I have just sold the Sid. Bank our Bank Display advertising for $125, the softest order I about ever sold. I wrote to Seely last night and I told him I would see what I could do with the Bank Display because I believed in it, “but I’m not saying anything about the Johnson Bank.”
I must stop as dinner is ready. Hope Louise is better. Can’t get home till Saturday night. I can’t buy saxophones in Jicnicas [sic]. I’m sorry but it’s a fact.
Your loving,

Forty-nine Democrats Support Porter Substitute—One Republican Opposes. KELLEY ATTACKS THE MOVE Says We Shall Have to Apologize Forever for Thus Ending the War. GARRETT CALLS IT INFAMY Resolution Is Likely to Be Tied Upin Conference for Some Time. Disarmament Proposal Beaten. Democrats Cheer Kelley. Resolution asserted by Garrett. Flood Taunts Republicans.
WASHINGTON, June 13.—By precisely a five to one vote the House late this afternoon passed the Porter resolution, declaring a state of peace between this country and Germany and the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The vote was 305 to 61.
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John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.
Check out our article in the New York Times!