Passes Measure Fixing Admissions at 3 Per Cent. Of Aliens Now Here.
Broker, Whose Wife Had Pawned Her Jewels, Gives Tip to Police. SHE IS TRAILED BY HUSBAND Detectives Find Expensively Dressed Women Hiding in a Wardrobe and Under a Bed.
Sunday night
February 20, 1921
Dearest family,
Have I sort of neglected you the last few days? I'm sorry, but I have been very busy. I just imagine you all had a wonderful time down on the farm today. Was dad home? I should love to have been there, but I probably would have wept buckets, so it's just as well. I wonder if the new people will live upstairs. Bright idea! We might live up there just the same this summer! I would. Loved to have come home but I was too busy this week and I couldn't have come until Sat. noon and would have had to come back Sun. P.M. as I
have an 8:00 o'clock morning A.M. now. I am coming home the weekend of the 11th though for the senior play. I will have to cut French on Sat. out I cant help it.
I hope your cold is better by now, mother. Miss Caldwell has been sick in bed with one for a week.
Last night I went to a dance with Bud. Friday night I was up at the House and came back and ate just oodles of potted ham sandwiches. Thursday night was at the YMCA Recognition Service and banquet. All the Frosh dress in white and carry a white candle and light it from a huge one that the YW president holds. The banquet was schwell with Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews' roast chicken and everything. Tuesday night, the Sophs gave us the cute Valentine party, but I guess I wrote you about that.
Classes are coming fine, and so is The Orange [the college paper where Betty is on the staff]. I'll be ashamed to be seen on the street if I don't get a hat pretty soon. I absolutely can't imagine myself going downtown and getting one myself. I'm pretty sure you'll have to come up if I get one. I think I will be sending my silk skirt home to be accordion plaited very soon now. I should almost think that the back breadth would be all that would have to be done.
Send me all the newsy news you can find. How about the Clarks? Where are we going to live? I'll be looking for my laundry sometime this week at least a pair of bloomers.
Lots of love
We had chicken dinner today!
Frank, could you part with one of your Earlville or E.H.S. banners? Bud has a collection of over 60 and he wants one you could get another. Don't forget to let me know and send it in my laundry if you are going to let him have it. Also Louise, it is very important that you send my little round box. I'll have to buy a new box of it if you don't send it pretty soon. I can't borrow the Fielding kids any longer and I have to use it once in a while.
Editor's notes
If you're new to this project, please consider going to our site and catching up with a few letters from the 1900-1910 era. The letters only take 3-5 minutes to read and you'll find the characters more fully develop if you read the letters chronologically.
John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.
Check out our article in the New York Times!