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I’m going to sit up during vacation, burning electricity and jazzing around–Marion–Nov. 15, 1920


[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]


Youngest Children, Two Only 2 Years Old, Borne Down by Surging Mass. OWNERS AND JANITOR HELD Manslaughter Charge Preferred for Admitting Minors Without Guardians.VICTIMS WERE FOREIGNERS No Fire, but Crowd Ran When Smoke Poured Up from Furnace.


Three Divisions Held 22 at Bay in Score of Assaults. REDS ADMIT HUGE LOSSES Attribute Their Success at Perekop Largely to the Useof Poison Gas.YALTA AND EUPATORIA FALLFrench Said to Have ObtainedEight Days for Evacuation ofCrimea by Population.

CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 14 (Associated Press).—The army of General Wrangel, the anti-Bolshevist leader in South Russia, has been wiped out, and a number of his Generals have committed suicide.



312 No. 2nd St

Millville N.Y.

Sunday a.m.

Dear Mother and all,

Winter came at last I guess. It’s really been what you would call cold down here for the last two days and I found my winter coat for the first time.

We walked practically all yesterday morning it was so wonderful and cold out and then I started my letter writing siege yesterday afternoon. I owed exactly 16 letters yesterday p.m. and so I started in and got

five written. Edward Sommers wanted me to go canoeing again to-day-start at eleven but good child that I am say no–will make it 12 and go to church. A credit mark please. But I still have so many letters to write I’m staying to write them instead of church. Am going to-night anyhow so that will make up. Can’t say it’s exactly what you’d call canoeing weather but then.

I was quite keen about teaching school Friday but don’t know how long it will last.

What are the dates for the Convention. I believe a round trip ticket for here to D.C. is around $12. Are you going this year. I hope you can. Seems as if could surely meet them in. Philad. if I can’t go to Wash. I would have to have an evening dress and everything. I don’t believe I ought to go.

Miss Bircher has just had her little parlor tea kettle sent and so we’ve been having regular little tea-parties lately. We’re going to have a big one this Fri. in honor of the 19th. [This is Marion’s 22nd birthday] I had really forgotten all about it until Miss Eulestine reminded me that my birthday came on the same day her mother’s does. If it. Weren’t so near Thanksgiving I’d go up to Aunt Lill’s for the week end. Will Bett be able to come home for Thanksgiving.

I’m going to sit up all night during Xmas vacation, burning electricity and playing the Edison and jazzing around.

How’s Buster [Frank] coming out with football and Louise write me about your Biology. I really like the Gen Science work better than the Biology. So Mrs. Floyd will get, I sent a card this week. What do they hear from Buck? Keep well and don’t work too hard.

Lots of love,






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