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I’m meeting my Waterloo this week–John writes home–Feb. 23, 1921



Decrease of 60% Leaves Residuary Estate of 20,000,000.for Public Benefactions. PRINCETON LOSS $9,000,000Original Bequest of $15,000,000Reduced by Drop gin Market and Heavy Tax Levies. BIG LOSS WAS EXPPECTED. Executors Have Begun Pittsburgh Action to Redure Assessment. BEQUESTS OF FRICK SHRINK $30,000,000

The $50,000,000 believed to have been left by Henry Clay Frick, coke and steel pioneer, to charitable and religious institutions, appeared, according to information made public yesterday, to have shrunk to $20,000,000 or 40 per cent. of that sum, because of depreciation.


Central Hotel

O.M. Sloat, Prop.

Worcester, N.Y.

American and European Plan Rooms with Private bath

Tourist Headquarters

Garage Connected

Feb. 23, 1921

My Darling,

Salesman letter home 1921

I was glad to get here tonight to get your letter. You are very kind to write to me. Glad you are feeling some better and hope you may continue to feel better, Don’t neglect to have those bad teeth taken out of your head. This has been a very peculiar day. At times the sun has been very bright and then in a few minutes we would be having a real heavy snow storm.

I’m meeting my Waterloo this week. Spent all day in Cobleskill and I worked hard till train time and didn’t get a single dollar worth of business. Last year we had about $300.

Will not write about the day. Worked practically every business concern in the town. I did not see anything of the Markham family.

I wrote the county clerk’s office last night about the search for the farm. It’s almost March 1st and we must have the search for that day. Why do you suppose is the delay? They promised to have it for us last week. I shall be mighty glad when March 1st is over, providing everything is OK. I’ll be glad when March 5 is over and again March 20-24. [ when John is auctioning off his stock] I expect everything is going to work out O.K. I have thought some of asking Bert Collins to go to Syracuse to help with the stock. He has experience in the frttsing of stock and in sale.

I hope Elizabeth can come home a week from Friday.

I have been out all over town tonight trying to save a skunk but haven’t succeeded Nothing new to write. Wish I were at home with you this week.

Lots of love from your affectionate,



Editor's notes

The battle of Waterloo was fought in Belgium in 1815 between Napoleon's army and a coalition led by the Duke of Wellington. It destroyed Napolean's power over Europe.

If you're new to this project, please consider going to our site and catching up with a few letters from the 1900-1910 era. The letters only take 3-5 minutes to read and you'll find the characters more fully develop if you read the letters chronologically.

John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.

Check out our article in the New York Times!




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