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Its about put me on the blink with a bad stomach and headache–Letter Home–Jan. 3, 1922


[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]



Naval Aircraft A-5598 Landed on Dec. 14 at a Far Northern Trading Post. WORD COMES TO ROCKAWAY The Three Aeronauts DownTwenty Miles Northeast of Moose Factory, Ontario


The Osborne Company

New York Chicago London


“Wait for the Osborne Man”

General Offices and Works

Newark, N.J.

Cortland, N.Y.

Jan 3, 1921

My darling,

I don't know what kind of a letter I can write to you tonight, but will write just the same to let you know that I love you and to say that I am grateful for your love. I remember with what joy I called you up on the phone one year ago and told you of my good business. It's different tonight! I got here last night at about 5:30, and as soon as I was through supper I came up to my pleasant room and got right after my line for nearly four hours and tried to put myself in trixxx For a good day's business and have put in a faithful day's work. I am going to spend part of tomorrow here before going to Ithaca. I must tell you that I have not made a sale today. At times its about put me on the blink with a bad stomach and headache but I am all right tonight. While I am fearfully disappointed, I am not disheartened. Had hopes for a big day. Just at night when I was skunked, I thought I would take trolley for Homer and sell a Mr. Latimer, whom I've sold every year for years. He has been in clothing business and when I got off I discovered that he has sold out and a meat market has his old store: so it goes.

When I tell you that I have called on people here and in McGraw today who last year gave me over $1,000 worth of business, you can see how serious it is. I was very much disappointed to find that Mr. Owens, cashier of the National Bank had bought. Shepherd [a competitor], G and B's man last week. The order last year was for $450. You remember Mr Owens is the man I called on last summer. When you and Marion were with me. He treated me very nicely today, as he always does, but said he felt he ought to give the other fellow a show this year. You may think that I am sick and all on strong but I am not, and we will simply have to fight it out. Somewhere there is some business for us and we'll just keep happy. Could tell you a lot more about the business I didn't get, but will not take the time.

If you have not already sent Marion's package, put in one of those larger red envelopes I keep my pictures in. You know, she asked me for one, but I forgot it.

I phoned Elmira last Night for mail. Several letters came this noon but no packages. Frank must have done some work at home to write 139 letters to customers and prospects. [This must be referring to John’s brother Frank who is also employed by The Osborne Company]

Must make plans for tomorrow and it's nine o'clock now. Don't let what I've written make you unhappy. We always have done some business and we can do it this year.

Your loving,






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