Aug. 23rd, 1921
My Darling:
I am at Genesee, PA for the night on my way to Wellsboro. I received your good letter and also one from Frank at Hornell today. It is hard to get to Norwich for Friday night but guess I'll try to make it. Must not write much tonight as I am tired and want to get good early start in the morning.
I have had pretty good business today. Order for Bank Display from First National of Hornell for $125. Order for Bank Display from Bank at Wellsville for $125 and order for greeting cards for $28.00. Your loves have been very good to write me such good letters and so often.
Your loving,

Prince a Suicide in the Bois de Boulogne
Lobanoff, at 24, Said War Wrecked His Life
PARIS, Aug. 22.—While a taxicab driver and one of his friends were watching him, a young Russian nobleman, whose name was given as Prince Nikita Lobanoff-Rostovsky, committed suicide in the Bois de Boulogne this morning.
If you're new to this project, please consider going to our site and catching up with a few letters from the 1900-1910 era. The letters only take 3-5 minutes to read and you'll find the characters more fully develop if you read the letters chronologically.
John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.
Check out our article in the New York Times!