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Letter from Aunt Lil to Frank--April, 1920



Monday Eve.

Our dear Frank:-

I did not write a word yesterday. Uncle Vic put down floor coverings in dining room and kitchen Sat. and made his back worse. So when he got up yesterday a.m. it about killed him to bend over or pick up anything so I had to go out when he fed the chickens and do the bending over for him. He was going to have the “Clsteo”come over in the afternoon. But by noon he felt better and decided maybe if he took a good stiff walk in the sun it would help him. So went to see if the man he had engaged to do the plowing was coming and when (here so much rain we could not had ours plowed before anyway) It's 5 miles over there and back and the sun was hot. And it did do Vic’s back great deal of good. The man xxx this week if it don't rain hard first. Vic did not see “Clsteo” at Doylestown as he was away. I asked the lady in paper store at D[oylestown] about the “Clsteo”and here it is. Her Dr. and she thinks it will be hard to find any better (She never had Dr. English.) One reason, and I guess the only, why we did not get a Ford with a self starter was two different men who had them told Vic not to get them that they were always out of order and a nuisance. We knew we were not very near town when we bought but the trolley and train was supposed to be near. If I had consented to Vic’s idea we would not bought here. It was not. From choice in the first place but look what we could get. Vic wanted to store our things in Wash. He kept on with his work till we ran across what we wanted. I said “No” we might as well, go and then look afterwards. I know if our things once got stored in Washington it would be “goodnight” to our ever finding what we wanted. It is pleasant all around here and

yesterday I enjoyed the walk. All the farms look like pictures. Well kept up and buildings also and now so many fruit trees in bloom.

Oh, Frank, I did not finish last night. I could not think. I was busy holding two chickens. We are bringing 20 in this lot (2 settups) without hen and have them in a box in the house at night. Well, there was two that cried so much I took them out and they would lie so still on my wrist and covered with my other hand and when I would try to put them down they would stick and hang and cry. One is small and looks like a canary bird. Toward tonight it cried so (today) I thought I brought it in and put it in my apron pocket where it staid (sp) a while. But it wanted me to hold so I did for awhile then I went out to put it down and it ran up and cuddled down inside of neck of dress and there it staid (sp) while tacked netting on bedroom window. At supper time, the other I held last night yelped so I took it and it curled right down in my lap. Then another got to yelping so loud Uncle Vic put it in his overall pocket and it sit there with its head sticking out while he ate supper. After supper I sit down on the kitchen floor and let them all out (it was bedtime for them) four curled up in my hands and the rest tried to get under my knee, some under my apron and when Vic came in, he could only see two or three heads sticking out. Oh yes, we are having some fun with them. You see the mother of part of these did not want to take care of them. She wanted to set again so Vic has put 18 eggs in under her now. If the man plows this week Vic will have to limber up a good deal. He have been out in the sun, fussing around today and his back feels still better. Glad you have such an appetite, but it is awful when everything is so high, but I can't say anything for Vic and I are not very slow these days when it comes to eating. Have not done so much today. But I am sleepy (as usual) Been a beautiful day. But a little cool for the middle of May. The “old timers” here say they never knew of such a cold, backward spring. Well, guess I'll close and go to get.

Love to all. from Vic and Lil.

Say “B”, why don't you answer my “Private” Uncle that wants to know about it.


Editor's notes

Frank's Aunt Lil (1872-1975) was Sue's (my great-grandmother) sister. I believe that she and her husband Vic lived in Washington D.C. for a while. This appears to be an undated letter written sometime in April (it was found, without an envelope or date, in the slack of letters in this timeframe) after they'd just bought a farm and moved, although I'm not sure. I find it interesting that an aunt would write this long letter to her nephew and also love the discussion of the chicks in her kitchen. I'm not sure what "Clsteo" is. If anyone knows, please leave a comment!

Her grammar is notably less sophisticated than the Briggs ("There was two that cried..."). I don't know her level of education.




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