[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]
Denies Its Power to Prescribe His Action by Section 34 of Shipping Act. SEES GOOD FAITH INVOLVED Says Procedure Directed Would Be "Nothing Less Than the Breach" of Treaties

Sat. A.M.
Dear Mother-
Well, I can just imagine how much of a rush you are in about now getting “the kid”[her sister Elizabeth] off. Who did she send that card to, telling when she was going to get there? Why didn't she let me know right away so I could let Bee Hall know for I had written to be and told her she was coming Saturday, arriving around 12:30. It was a funny thing to do, but guess it will be alright. How did the organza dress and

all the rest of the trouseau come out? I seem to have a terrible influence on your speedometer when I am around. You sure do up some pace when I'm gone.
Never was I so thankful for the end of the week to come! Never put in such a week of work in my life! Don't let anybody tell you it's an easy job teaching school. It's the hardest work imaginable. Expect things will get a little easier as I get used to it. But it's not going to be any cinch. Like it more and more here at Mrs. Mayhews. She is wonderfully nice and the best cook.
It's nearly 10:00 o'clock and I have to go over to the school to work this AM. They furnished the kids all their supplies here and I have to get the lab notebooks already to give out for work next week. He wants me to work out the course according to N. Y. state ideas, and I would like to use one of the biology notebooks that one of the kids has finished there, if Fr.[ank] or Louise could get ahold of a good one. I don't have any textbooks though. Will you please get Let.Billings Utica address as soon as you can. I want to send her mine as she was going to send me a Utica course of study in general science.
Will write tomorrow.
P.S. Frank told me he sold xx biol. Book. This s just a note to let you know I survived the wk.
