"Neither Safe Nor Decent" to Let Vermin-Infested Aliens Land, Says Copeland. 28 IMMIGRANTS DETAINED Inspection Quarters to Be Installed in Rail Stations Here to Bar Introduction of Disease.

Carrollton Hotel

February 14, 1921
My Darling,
Here I am on my way to Wellsboro but I can’t get out of here until 9:30 in the morning and it takes almost till noon to get there. I’m anxious to hear from you and hope everything is O.K.at home. My mind was home almost constantly yesterday. Am now looking forward to Sunday. Have four small orders today for about $220.
Nothing new to write until I get your letter.
Your loving,
Ask Clayton to see Bank and tell them I would like to arrange to give credit of 9 months on sums over $20. We had it–bill to give 3 months. This brings farmer’s due right in summertime and it’s bad time.

Editor's notes
If you're new to this project, please consider going to our site and catching up with a few letters from the 1900-1910 era. The letters only take 3-5 minutes to read and you'll find the characters more fully develop if you read the letters chronologically.
John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.
Check out our article in the New York Times!