[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]
Grimes Puts National Leaguers Back on Even Terms with Rivals by 3 to 0 Victory. IS MASTER AT ALL TIMES Allows Seven Hits and Permits but One Cleveland Player to Reach Third Base. BROOKLYN FANS CHEERFUL Crowd That Again Fills Ebbets Field Gets Chance to Show
Reds Sign Armistice With Poles
Also Make Peace With the Finns
LONDON, Oct. 6.—The Government today received a telegram from Riga stating that the heads of the Polish and Russian delegations there had agreed to the signing of an armistice and of the fundamental preliminaries of peace.

October 7th, 1920
Thurs. noon
Dear mother,

Absolutely no time to write. Louise and Dad’s letters peachy! Of course yours that came this a.m. was too. You probably have heard from M.[arion] by now and my letter in hers. Letter from Aunt Bess with one from Aunt Lill and Millo. She sent a clever poem she had written about our class also another print of George. $1.
Now! Please send M.’s heavy gray swimming cap. Shall I get tan velour tam for $4.79 a yd. I’ve got to have one or a common sport hat. I want Louise to come up for some weekend. When would be best? I expect all of you up for the Colgate game. Decide and let me know at once. The Pitt game is Oct. 16, Wash. and Jeff, Nov. 6, Colgate Nov. 20. Couldn’t F.[rank] come up for one of the first two? Let me know.
Big Frosh party Sat. night added to the list.
