[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]
Nightsticks Ivory or Rubber? Two Belgians Want to Know
Slayer, and Thief Overpower Guards, Obtain Arms and Escape in Motor. ARE HEADED THIS WAY Local Police and State Constabulary Watch for Fugitives —Expects Hard Fight.
Sunday P.M. October 17,1920
Dear Mother and Dad,
I wonder if you're having your dinner served up in squash dishes today or just how you are celebrating [Sue and John were married 10/17/1896]. If I'd been in a regular place, or at least a little nearer, I would have honored the occasion with a beautiful floral piece and I certainly would have had I've been working in a factory or somewhere earning money instead of teaching school. Guess the letter, though, will have to take its place.
I certainly was surprised to get your letter this week saying you were sick or had been. I began to think
it was funny I didn't hear from you. Are you feeling alright now and what was the matter.
Did that last week's letter get sent onto Bet [Elizabeth] finally. She was having 40 cat fits this week because I hadn't written and I didn't get a chance this week until yesterday. I really meant to write oftener but I simply don't have time.
What do you suppose has happened to me now? One of the other new teachers and I have got picked on the first thing to make one of the speeches on the program for the first faculty meeting. I think it's the dirtiest trick! Imagine getting up and giving a speech in front of those old time teachers when you haven't ever even been to a faculty meeting. None of us have any use for the principal (And you should see his short fat gay bold wife) and he doesn't have anything to do but to spend his time thinking of extra things for us to do. We have to make out these crazy lesson plans. With Aim
Day’s lesson
You can imagine it takes you longer figuring out a beautiful expression for your aim than it does to carry your aim out. Poor Miss Eulestein and her French aims. Well these lesson plans are to be the subject of the program. Thank goodness Miss Bard has charge of it.
They have Teachers Institute every fall here over at Bridgeton and all the teachers have to go. I think it's coming to the last Thursday and Friday of this month-So there's a short vacation. Uncle Vic and Aunt Lill are going to be in Philad. this winter they write so I think I'll invite myself to spend Thanksgiving with them. We have only about 10 days for Christmas. I believe school closes the Thurs. night before the Saturday Xmas comes on. I'd like to find out the possibility of getting a sleeper out of Phil[adelphia] for Bing[hamton]. Can you find out from Mr. Lewis how I could come that way and to how I could go by way of New York. I'd like to find out right away, for I told Esther Williams I'd let her know so she could plan to come up to-gether. What is her address? I think Miss Orvis will be going home by way of New York.
We've been up to Philad. just once and were going up this week and then had “so much work to do” end the first working period with all the grades to make out (little that I ever think all the work there is behind report cards.) Guess will go up next week though.
Does Dad know anything about the convention? I'm hoping it's going to be at Atlantic City [John’s annual Osborne Company Convention takes place in Atlantic City each year], but then I won't have to be buying any clothes if it isn't at least as far as this place is concerned.
Did I tell you out of town teachers never come back as second year here? I like my kids a lot, but oh dear the training they've had-it's wild. Thank goodness I'm not under regents.
Finally found the osteopath Dr yesterday and made an appointment with her, though I really don't need it and don't like to spend my money for such frivolous things. Maybe she can do something though, to keep my ankles from swelling all the time. She laughed when she found out I was a teacher. I had told her I was in the high school and she supposed I was one of the kids.
Miss Bircher, the private teacher in the house here is a great osteo enthusiast. I thought she was going to be so painfully proper and prim at first, but I guess it's just her Boston culture and though she is very proper and all Old Maid she is an awfully good sport and very interesting. She certainly is a relief from those five gum chewers of Millville, and if you could ever hear the perfectly atrocious English they all use here. Miss Euenstein is fine too. She is a typical New Yorker, and yet so much to her. Her father is a New York furrier, and she has a lot of brothers and sisters and a sister is a freshman at Brennan College this year. Isn't it convenient for your anniversary to have come on Sunday? Here's hoping you've had a good celebration, even if I'm not there.
Lots of love,
Did Louise get her package and survive? The kids down here seem to thrive on apple taffies.