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Marion writes her Dad– Jan. 19, 1921–Bonus It's MONDAY and we have a new podcast out!

Big news! The New York Times is running an article on this project! Stay tuned.

Pro tip-If you're just starting the series-go back to the first letter in 1901. The characters will develop from there. You can find all the letters on our website at


Friday P.M.


Dear Dad,

I don’t know but I’m just going to take a chance in this getting to you by tomorrow night. This is Friday night and I’m so glad. This has been the best week yet though. Everything has gone great and so quick. In biology we’ve been dissecting frogs. Of course they all pretended to make a terrible fuss and think it was awful at first and then they’d get so interested that they’d forget all about the blood and so forth. We

could see the heart beating and everything and one boy took the heart out on a glass slide and it was still beating well at the end of the 2nd period though it was out of the frog’s body.

We’re beginning review now as examinations are week after next. I had a fearful time yesterday in my last class nearly passed out. They’re a bunch of awfully cute kids. I looked back at one of the cutest ones and there he sat pulling his ear and as he pulled his ear his tongue automatically came out. He looked so funny I just started laughing and it just upset everything. Everytime after that that I looked at one of the kids they’d join it had been so funny to see me really laugh I guess and that would start one off again.

Last Sat I went up to the Syracuse-Penn basketball game at Penn with a fellow who graduated with me at Bingo. I met him going down on the train from Xmas vacation and he’s going to Penn now. I met a Syracuse girl whom we sat with and had an awfully good time.

Got Mother’s birthday present while up there [Sue’s birthday was January 14th]. A velvet table runner for her mahogany table. Now I’m going to have to save my money. Keep well and happy and don’t work too hard.







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