[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]
Only Minor Details Remain to be Arranged for Match with French Champion. FOUR CONFERENCES HELD Final Session Scheduled for This Week—Cochran, Rickard and Brady Combine. BOUT MAY BE IN THIS CITY
He Accuses Administration of Loss of Life and Treasure by Unpreparedness. HITS 'OVERCENTRALIZATION' Asserts That He Himself Has Outlined in His Speeches "a Definite Constructive Policy." RESTATES HIS POSITION Declares He Has Given a "Conscientious and Practical Proposal"on the League.

October 25, 1920
10:50 p.m.
Dear Mother, Elizabeth and all,
I believe all your letters have been received and tell Dad I was especially glad to get his and to do it again. Tell him I'll answer as soon as I have a chance to give proper attention and acknowledgement of the most highly esteemed honor bestowed upon me. ‘Course you and Elizabeth aren’t so important as far as writing letters is concerned. Here’s a little hint,-please send Dad some plain envelopes to send my letters in. This town knows everything that happens to you-I’m sure that they all know that I wear lavender pajamas and rosebud
bloomers. You have no idea the kind of town I’m in. They talk about and know about every detail. They’ll be having wild tales around about my getting a letter from a different hotel every day. Honest its awful. I can’t go down and buy an apple taffy at an out of the way deserted store and sneak it home under my coat, just to see what they taste like without a kid coming up the next day after class and inquiring how I liked “my apple taffy” last night.
Don’t care about the kids but these old ones that do nothing but rapid fire gossip all day, they’re thick and numerous around here.
Miss Orvis and I went to Philad. yesterday. Mrs. Bircher and sister who came down to Philad. on business also went up and Miss Eulestine and a friend who is visiting her from Washington D. C. You just have to get away from here about every so often. We shopped in the

morning, went to a matinee in the PM, and saw Constance Talmadge In the movies in the evening. You wrote that I better get a suit, but I had already decided that I would have to see if I couldn't get a lightweight fall coat. That is what I really needed you see, from now till it's cold enough to wear my heavy coat, I had no way that I could wear a silk dress. I needed it now and didn't care about having a nice suit to wear this winter, as long as I have a good looking winter coat and I'd like a suit next spring much better anyhow and now I have a coat that can be worn anytime of the year and I'll have one for next Summer. Don't you think that's a good idea? I got a very good looking one at Wanamaker's at a very reasonable price $32.50. I like it a lot– the only thing it's brownish or taupe in some lights and very much on the order of my winter coat ¾ length, plain and tailored, and I’m afraid people will get tired of seeing me in the same rigging. I don’t care. I like it. This doesn’t show much what it’s like because the tailored lines on it are very good looking, the shoulder lines especially. Pretty silk lining ½ way down [diagram of coat is drawn on letter] Then I got a pretty little white voile waist with small ruffle around the collar and two rows of little ruffles down each side between the tucks. That’s all the shopping I did. At least I have some $31 between me and my next check which comes this week along with a little vacation for Teachers Institute. It comes this Thurs. and Fri. at Bridgeton.
This and a letter to Bess are all I’ve done to-day though I have been to church this a.m. and p.m. and walked out to the lake this p.m. of all the unheard of things. We are living the regular Millville Sun. schedule from now on,- since we changed to our new boarding plan. This is what all Millville does. Breakfast at 9-Church at 10:30. Home and have lunch at 12:30 which consists of pie and coffee. Go to Sunday school. Dinner at 4:30. I starved nearly waiting for dinner and then resorted to chocolate bars, peanut and dates etc. to tide me over. Got all over being hungry but chicken dinner was so good I eat and am still uncomfortably full. Our new b.[oarding?] plan is just fine and that lady who has us is so nice, quite young and attractive.
Some football we’ve got! What is the matter with Colgate. Weather here is just marvelous. Nights very cold but we can wear summer clothes without wraps all day. 78 degrees in school all Friday.
My watch came some 2 or 3 weeks ago. Please tell Dr. LaPorte so I won’t have to write and ask him about the price.
Did Louise ever get the box I sent her? And Eliz did you get the box I sent you.
Have heaps of work to do and haven’t written that awful speech for the Teacher’s meeting.
Do take things easy Mother. What’s that matter that you don’t feel better. I’ve been to the Osteo and she found a plan to fix up my back. Have been absolutely O.K. however since I’ve been down here.
Lots of love,