April 24
7:00 PM
Dear Mother,
My ink is all gone so I guess this pencil will have to do. This has been a whale of a week and again, I guess you’ve got to give me another credit mark for staying in this town another week.
Anyhow I’m this much ahead-a dress all made and my hair shampooed. I haven’t had anything to wear for school so Friday night I bought some beautiful material, cut it out and yesterday I had it absolutely all done at 6:00 o’clock. It’s a howling success too. Real cute I think. I was scheduled to go on a hike a la hare and hound chase with the Campfire girls yesterday a.m. Being a hound I was to start with the second squad at 7:00 o’clock. Mrs. Mayhew [Marion’s landlady] came up and woke me up and said the girls were downstairs waiting for me. Much surprised I dashed out, dressed and rushed down to go only to find out it was the 6:30 squad come to find if they should go or not as it was looking like rain. It soon began to pour so we decided we couldn’t go and I was up and ready to start off Sat. A.M. at 7:00! By the way I thot it funny my alarm didn’t go off at 6:20 and upon looking around my little alarm was to be found no where. After an hour’s search I discovered I’d turned it off in my sleep and chucked it under the bed a night or so.

Well I wish you could see the little model I’ve made. I’ll set a sample. I didn’t have any pattern and the side things are a real cute idea I got in Lord and Taylor’s in New York-Just an oblong panel picoted on the edge and stitches taken just in the middle of the top.
We saw a cute dress in the new little La Rose Shoppe here yesterday of the same kind of material and it was $19 and these things are very reasonable on the whole. Mine cost exactly $4.00. Making pretty good money?
Three Cheers for the red, white and blue!
Did Dad tell you I wanted to get in a girl’s summer camp this vacation? Honest Mother, I've got to do something this summer. I’ve got to get back some youth somehow. This old school teaching business makes you feel so old and laid aside. We have positively no social life down here and I’ve got get out and do something, when you can be like the rest of the human being around. If I thot I or anyone would be any farther ahead at the end of this summer Id be perfectly satisfied to stay in Earlville all summer but I don’t see where it would be that way.
Miss Eulestein was notified yesterday of a position in Montclair for $300 more than here. I made her write an application and I’ve written to see if there’s any vacancy in my work but there isn’t any hope for me. I think enough of her so I’s want here to go there if she could but I’d not stay here. I’d break my contract.
We were up at 6:30 again this a.m. to go out and look for birds. Goods of blue jays here. Saw and heard acute brown thrasher for the first time.
Love to all,

Editor's notes
UntiI transcribed this I’d forgotten about my grandmother’s life-long love of birdwatching. I can now picture her well-worn binoculars she always had at the ready.
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John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.
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