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This has been another STUPID day-Marion writes Betty-October 9, 1921


Sunday evening

October 9, 1921

Dearest Betty,

I have my work planned in detail for one class a whole week ahead, and the plans for my other two courses in general for a whole week. Pretty good. But this week is going to be the end of the first marking and there will be much work with quizzes in each class and all the notebooks coming in from Lab Work.

This has been another stupid weekend to with nothing to do to get out of the grind. Hilda was moving into her apartment, or she might have been over to see me. Expect if nothing happens, I'll go over to spend this next weekend with her. I've been waiting about my yarn as I want to get it over there-They have such marvelous colors. Think I'll get a sort of henna shade.

Here's where I loose both eyes sure this time. Lady Margaret (Miss Wettstein) and I have the grandest idea. We're going to have a gift shop for three weeks before Christmas. By gift shop we mean make up all the cute and pretty things we can between now and Christmas and sell them at her house. Make lots of cute doll dresses, handmade kerchiefs, collar and cuff sets, buy cheap things (shoe ties, coat hangers, etc.) at the five cent and 10 cent, paint them up and daub have on flowers and sell them for a million dollars. Isn't it a cute idea? I'm going to work every spare minute making things. I laid awake most all night thinking about all the things we could make.

I wish you could see the whiz of a car I've been riding in several times lately. It's one of those heavy, long, low door sport speed cars-Bright yellow. A Kissel or first cousin to a Stutz. The boarder drives it for his friend, and they've taken Missus W and me out several times. Would have taken us to Atlantic City last night [36 miles], but we didn't know Hilda's new address yet. So they drove us around the county. Nowhere in particular after the ride. It was quite late, but Lady Margaret and I got so enthusiastic talking over our gift shop plan that it was then the wee small hours of the night so we stayed all night with her.

Awfully sorry the dress didn't get there-there's no reason why it shouldn't have. That news sounds great about the chapter. I was just so plain tickled. I'm glad about the Fielding girl, but wish it had been AX instead of KAT.

Just the right colors of organdy for a dress like Jack's bride and rent it to mother. She wasn't able to finish it so I've taken it to a woman to have it finished up as I don't have a record for anything. I'm crazy About it. Never had anything as good looking, or at least that I liked any better. It would be a darling dress for dances, so write any time you want it.

I'm so tickled about Alice. Isn't it great? How does Laura act about it? Why didn't you rush the 7s or didn't you think the girls cared for them?

How has everything come out about Hattie and Louise and the National Council and the Dean and the campus and everything else concerned?

Think the pledges sound like a good substantial bunch, and you might better have a few and be sure of them. Sorry, we lost any bids though. That's when a lot of care has to be taken. The year Faythe was chairman, we lost just one bid to another fraternity. Of course, that was a pretty good record. But then we can't say so much about that year. It's the year, the “troubles” came in too when all that was so grand and wonderful. Tell me what El. Peake is like. Was Meadie there for all the rushing?

Guess I've rambled on more than you'll have time to read.

Much love,




Huggins Fears Star Slugger's Infected Arm Won't Heal Before Championship Is Settled. 25,000 FANS DISAPPOINTED Downpour Continues for an Hour Before Umpires at Last Minute Announce Postponement.


Tammany Man and Former Representative Dies in 6 Hours After Reaching Bellevue. AFFECTED ON WEDNESDAY Neck Began to Swell, but He Thought Little of It Until Pain Drove Him to Hospital.


Prohibition Commissioner Arrives to Check Last DetailsBefore Campaign Opens.WILL GO AFTER HOTELSProprietors to Be Warned ofResponsibility for Diners Who Bring In Liquor.

If you're new to this project, please consider going to our site and catching up with a few letters from the 1900-1910 era. The letters only take 3-5 minutes to read and you'll find the characters more fully develop if you read the letters chronologically.

John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.

Check out our article in the New York Times!




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