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We are going to do just the best we know how and not worry. Letter Home–John to Sue Dec. 29, 1920


[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]

Uncle Joe Cannon Sets a Congress Record

Celebrates Today Nearly 44 Years in House

WASHINGTON, Dec. 28.—"Uncle Joe" Cannon, war horse of the House of Representatives, today established a new American record.


The Edgerton

Delhi City

M.E. Arbuckle, Proprietor

Dec. 29, 1920

My darling:

I could easily get discouraged, but it doesn't pay. Last year I had good business in Walton and Delhi, Dec 31 and Jan 1. This year Tillson of G and B has had good business and I am taking what I can get. He was in

family letters, love letter home from a travelling salesman in 20th Century life

these towns Monday and Tuesday. He has worked these towns for years, the same as I have and has friends and it seems that the first man gets the business. Last year I had fine business in Hobart. I know Tillson has been in that town today and I’ll not find much there because whenever he gets into that town before I do he gets the business. I am going to follow my schedule tomorrow and go to Hobart. Today in Walton I sold Mr. Ostenhout and order for $69.25. Last year it was $94.00-H had bought from G and B Monday. I sold Mr. Lane an order for $95.75-his last years order was $114. I sold Henderson Bros. 80.50, Miss Pond $22.10. Camp Co. I sold last year an order for $300 and they were second people I called on this morning and I was somewhat surprised when they told me they had bot.

I have sold Miss Paine here an order for $55. She is the one who wrote me that she had bought of the school teachers. I have one order here for $20.00. I have last two of last year’s customers here-one for $135 and the other $61. That’s their orders last year. Last year everybody was increasing orders and I was doing a good business here. This year I am either losing orders entirely or selling smaller orders. I don’t know where to tell you to write.

I think I left you Walton, Dehli and Hobart.

Hardly think I’ll go home Sunday. The conditions up around Milford and Cooperstown are bad on account of milk business.

We are going to do just the best we know how and not worry.

I am feeling fine.

Love unbounded,



Editor's notes

As I’ve noted at the end of previous years, John is unable to spend time at home during the holidays because this is the busiest time for his business. I don’t know if New Years wasn’t the big holiday in 1920 it is today, or if he is sacrificing for his family.




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