Editor's Notes
John, ever the romantic, is planning for their 25th Anniversary on October 17th. They were married in 1896.

The Cortland House
N.A. Smith Co. Prop’s.
Cortland, N.Y.
Sept. 27, 1921
My Darling Sue:
Your good letter received this morning gave me much pleasure. It was so very kind to write so soon after my departure. These are beautiful days and I am thankful for them. There was nothing very cheerful to report so far as business is concerned. Have not seen anything that has even looked like an order, but have put in a full day here. I doubt if I get away before noon to Morrow as I have got to Run down to McGraw in the morning and want to call on a few more concerns here before leaving town.
I saw Minnie Wiley on street this afternoon. I am not discouraged and someday business will look brighter. With the multitude of men out of work and no means of supporting their families, we have nothing to make us very blue. Cortland is a fine city and I wouldn't object to living here. Hope we can arrange for a trip, as you suggest, for our Big Anniversary. We might hire a “span” or “herd” of horses and make the drive to Morrisville as we did 25 years ago. I shall never forget that ride. Nothing new to write. I hope to get into Binghamton Friday night but of course can't tell for sure just now.
Love unbounded for each,
Your affectionate,

Companion of Bolshevist Relief Chief Reports New Horrors in Samara Region. STARVING PEOPLE IN DAZE Crowds of Emaciated Women and Children Beg Agents to Take Them Away.
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John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.
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