[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]
PRESIDENT ENTERS FIGHT League Appeal Is the First of a Series in Campaign Finale. SAYS ISSUE IS FALSIFIED Denies League Impairs Constitution and Charges Distortion of Americanism.FEARS SUBORDINATE NATIONDemocrats, Under President'sLead, Will Now Centre Speeches on the League.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3.—President Wilson tonight entered the campaign by issuing his first direct appeal to the voters to sustain the League of Nations in the referendum that is to be taken in the November election.

Send to mother immediately. Last one this week.
October 4, 1920
Monday a.m.

Dear everyone,
I have just come back from swimming class what didn’t meet and instead of going up on 4th before my next class I’m sot in a swell big chair in the parlor.
I’ve got to go easy on letters this week as there is just heaps going on. Tues. night Freshman organization meeting. Wed. quiz in Latin, Wed night Alpha Chis entertaining. D.K.E. pledges in honor of our pledges. Thurs. night middle party, Fri tea for Mrs. Watson, the chaperone of the house and pledge meeting Sat. night Galli Kurtchi but I don’t know for certain whether I shall go. Oh, yes, and long theme for Sat. Mother your Sat. letter came the a.m. so now you know when to get your letter in for Mon. Once again who is the Junior president and make F.[rank] and L.[ouise] write about school. Hip hip for Louise’s Latin marks. Keep it up. And Hip! Hip for the football time. For goodness sakes the next time you have a cake “hanging around” that you know won’t be eaten sent it up even if it’s a marble one. Glad you reminded me about Mrs. H.W. I’ll do that little thing. I’m sending this metal arts letter back to you and you can do as you like. I don’t want the cards as they have Miss something but if you want them send, but don’t pay more than ½ price. Remember they should have had them on time.
M.[arion] your long Thursday letter came Sat. a.m. and I was mighty glad to get it. You had had another besides that one by the time I got it, I hope. Have the girls written about how wonderful everything is going at the house? Chaperone, cook, “chore boy” and everything. Mother will be glad to hear this.
We had lots of fun at the game Sat. Syracuse vs.Vermont. I went with Virginia Sprague and then all the Alpha Chis found us and we sat to-gether. Bee and Loretta F. got a silly streak on and got Louie so disgusted we all about died. You’d never think it was an exciting game to hear the score 49-0 but it was. One forward pass was wonderful. Just raced right down the field and made a touchdown. But the most exciting one was the one Alpha Chi made! The line was almost up to the goal post and Marg Buckley turned around and whispered to Bee to concentrate that “Fritz” would make a touchdown. He hadn't made any thrilling plays, so we all sat there. Fritz’s touchdown, touchdown, Fritz, etc. and I'll be switched if he didn't get the ball and go right through the center and make one. It was the weirdest thing I ever saw and we just about passed out over it. A Vermont man got his leg broken.
Kathy Wilcox tried to get me to go to a Kappa Sigma dance Saturday night, but I thought as long as the Junior invitation was out first and being as how I am president, the kids here would think it was funny and anyway, I wanted to go to the play. Each Junior had a frosh. Mine was Grace Jones. We walked and went “rush.” I told you about it didn’t I. M? “Turn to the Right” it was good. Yesterday I went to first Baptist in a.m. wrote to Aunt Bess and went for a walk with Laura Sprague and Bee. In the end we had all the pledges picked up and went to house for lunch. Got initiated into working! It was a mess. There was a rushee, but no one hardly came when they “rang the gong” and they just strung in and in the end about everyone was out in the dining room, helping themselves to everything. And then another rushee came in and there was hardly a thing left.
A bunch of S.E.E.s came over and one Sigma Nu. My Mr. was the Sigma Nu. He is a junior. There was Virginia, Dot Sloat(pledge), Laura S. and Dot. Also Anne McKracken. We had a really good time. Ukes and their song and ours. Dot Moffat is sure a peach. I think this completes the news.
Love to all,