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Had expectations of one of the best days of my life–Letter Home–Jan. 6, 1921


[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]

Panama Canal Traffic Grew By 50 Per Cent. During 1920


Lost Aeronauts Had to Chase Cree Trapper Before He Consented to Guide Them. HE FEARED FOR HIS PELTS Also Suspected Uniformed Men Might Be Revenue Officers Looking for Rum


The Osborne Company

New York Chicago London


“Wait for the Osborne Man”

General Offices and Works

Newark, N.J.

Jan. 6, 1921

Geneva, N.Y.

My Darling:

I have just boarded a train for Watkins train leaving at 7:55 and will get thee about 9:30. If I can get a word off to you on the train will be already for bed.

Wish I could see you tonight and talk things over. It would do me a lot of good. You always give me a

cheer and help me. Can’t tell you all about my day’s work and its' disappointments. I am happy tonight for I have done my work as well as I know how. I got up early and took a 7:15 trolley for Seneca Falls and was on the job, ready for work at eight. I planned my work for the day very carefully last night and had expectations of one of the best days of my life. I didn't have it! I'm feeling just fine tonight and am not worrying at all. I called on last year's customers who gave me $970 in business And I managed to get three for $21,76 and $68. I was very sorry to lose Geneseo Brewing Company for over $400 or that was the amount of my order for the last year. I called on them in the middle of February last year. They treated me splendidly today, Were very cordial and gave me their order for greeting cards for $76. Mr. Thorne had seen just the picture he wanted in one of G&B's folders [a competitor John has mentioned before] and told his people in the office that it was just what he wanted. If I could have waited a month or so before going to see them I would feel differently. One of very good friends in the office said he didn't think I could have gotten the order if I had been there first as Mr. Thorne was all taken with the picture he selected. I don't know exactly why, I'm not discouraged and all in, but I am thankful to say that I'm not. I try not to think of what we were doing last year but go ahead each day resolved to go about my work in a happy spirit. I know you are with me and will help me.

Lots of love,


P.S. I saw Rob for a minute at the shop but didn't have time to go to the house





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