[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]
Man Who Led Pennsylvania Miners to Victory in Fall Opposed a New Strike. FOUR MEN ARE ARRESTED
Eleanor Thayer of Boston Finds Way Out of Hills While Hundreds Search. PATIENT AT A SANITARIUM Confused by Snowfall Which Overtook Her on a Hike

Town Clerk’s Office
Town of Hume
Fillmore, N.Y.
Jan. 17, 1921
My Darling:

Oh, but it has been cold and boisterous today! It’s a great change and a fellow feels it. My clothes are not very heavy, but don’t send my heavy coat. Have had a tough day with only about $170 where I ought to have had at least $300. I got so sick of hearing about high prices that I don’t know what to do. It’s the same thing over with about every prospect and customer. Paper is going down and all sorts of things until I am weary. I am not the least bit discouraged and am feeling pretty good. Have so many things to be thankful for. I do not feel sorry. Frank and I know he is going to have a hard fight. It’s easier to turn down a new man than one who has called on you for years and it appears quite easy to turn me down.
If we get down on the farm this year or next year I am going to be happy, and so are you. We are getting along pretty well and we have no fault to find.
I reached this town tonight at about eight o’clock. This is the town where the Pres. of the bank went wrong last November. You remember I read you the article in the newspaper. I have seen the cashier at hotel tonight and have appointment at eight o’clock in the morning but don’t know what the outcome will be. I am afraid I’ll be missing your letters this week. Did not get a letter at Castille today.
Must close now and go to bed as it's getting late.
Love unbounded,
