[Headlines from The New York Times (page 1, above the fold) to place the letters in context of the world around them.]
No More Aliens to be Taken Off Ships Until Congestion Is Relieved. THOUSANDS IN NEAR RIOT Relatives Break Iron Gate in Rush to Get to Arrivals— Move to Stop Passports.
312 North Second Street,
Millville N.Y.
September 24, 1920
Thurs, 7:00 PM
Dear Mother,
I sent you a card from Aunt Lills’ but I really don’t have any time during the week for letter writing. I suppose that as long as I'm teaching school, I might as well get used to the idea of doing nothing else. And that is really what I have to do. You see, my schedule is so arranged that it just drags out through the day and instead of having my time off at once it's sort of scattered through the whole day. I don't begin very early and then I have a vacant in the middle of AM and I don't begin until 2 p.m. and have a vacant period in the middle of p.m. So you see, I really don't have any time to sew or write or anything like that. It's really easier though for a beginner to have it this way. I'd die teaching right straight through. it's getting easier, though, right long so don't worry about my overworking.
Seemed great to get away and go up to Aunt Lill's and Uncle Vic. The country is beautiful up there.
And at most made me homesick for old New York state it was so much like that. Left here Friday at 5:27 and it was eleven when Uncle V and I got to their house. We had a great feed and went to bed about 12:30, had breakfast at 9:30 next a.m., finished chicken dinner about 3:30 Saturday and supper about 7:00 p.m. Some farmers! I was awakened Saturday AM by a queer sound and awoke to find “Canary Bird”, the prize pet rooster, on my bed. You’d die to see those two talk and fuss with their chickens. This one and that one reminds them of this friend and that friend. They understand what you say and every move they make means something to them. Canary Bird sits and roams about the house and it’s like any pet. Sits on the back of Uncle V’s chair at meal time etc. well, it's all because they have no other interest, don't see how they ever bot the place knowing so little about it. It's so hard to get to, foreigners are settled all through there and the house is impossible (and to think of all the work Aunt Lill put into it) the land isn't for truck gardening, never could commute to Philad, as Uncle Vic wants to do in winter and all in all, there is nothing to it but the beautiful scenery, and that is marvelous.
We had chicken dinner birthdays and I was eating all the time I was there. Aunt Lill had made rolls, buns, coffee cake, little nut cakes, cherry pie, lemon pie, oatmeal bread, cake and everything imaginable. we made two batches of fudge, and the rest of the time I ate grapes, pears, melons, canned peaches and cherries and melons. Did you ever hear of banana melons?
Aunt Lill seemed pretty well, but her hair is a lot more gray than the last time I saw her, and she looks quite a little older. Don't see how she's done all that work. You know, Uncle V hasn't been able to do anything. They harvested their oats on a wheelbarrow. ha! ha! ha! They're going to get out this winter.
Butterfly guide came this a.m. before your letter. Dad sure likes to stay on the farm, doesn't he?
Got my first check last Friday. It seemed swell!
The txx. Bk -blouse came too. I have everything, I guess. I want a cot in my room awfully bad, but don't know how much one would cost. If not too much, I may get one. What's happening to Buster and Louise?
Heaps of love,