Radical Change in Policy Is Attributed to England, and Lloyd George Especially. TALK OF FIXING INDEMNITY Hint That Conference May Take Over This Prerogative of Reparation Commission. FRENCH ATTITUDE CHANGING Said to be Less Uncompromising Than When Clemenceau Was in Power.
Asks 2 Democratic Senators to Change Votes to Give Suffrage Victory. BOTH SAY THEY WILL NOT Decisive Ballot Expected Today —Washington Governor Calls Legislature.
Young Men’s Christian Association
201 State Street
Elmira, N.Y.
March 2, 21
My Darling
Could not get a room at Langwell when I arrived here at six o’clock so I am here [ at YMCA]. Was very
much disappointed in not being able to get out of Bath at noon as I planned. I let my prospects know what time I wanted to get away but it didn’t seem to make much impression. Guess they like to have me stay around. I got one order for $53 and from Mr. Cohn one order for $33.30. But I have to take out $103.15 to go on my second week so as not to spoil my Victory back there. It’s all off now as my plans are broken up. Will have to put in a full day here tomorrow. Am anxious to go up to Mr. Billings, but in case I don’t get home hope you will go up with Rob. It will all depend on tomorrow’s business whether I get home Friday night or Saturday morning. I’ll let Mr. Hitchcock pay part of the lunch and if you think best you can put a hunk of cheese in each sack. Have [son] Frank see Harold about cups for coffee. How about spoons. I have got to depend on you to look after some of the details. You have never failed me yet! Hope Elizabeth comes home this week instead of next week.
Love unmeasured,
Editor's notes
I recognize the name “Langwell” Hotel from some of John’s correspondence.He has stayed there several times before. I realize that it would be hard to make hotel reservations in advance unless it was so far in advance that he could write. Calls were quite expensive and only used for a treat. John doesn’t usually know for sure when he’ll leave one town for another so he just arrives at the reception desk in the evening. I’ve noted a few times this just doesn’t work out and there is no room.This is one more notation of the differences in life before our “on demand” instant communications options of today.
I think the lunch to which he refers is the lunch at the sale of the stock and farm equipment he has scheduled for the end of March.
If you're new to this project, please consider going to our site and catching up with a few letters from the 1900-1910 era. The letters only take 3-5 minutes to read and you'll find the characters more fully develop if you read the letters chronologically.
John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.
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