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You know too much sewing upsets your stomach-August 24, 1921


Editor's Notes

John references a problem with the mail and letter mailed 6 months earlier that he just received. This is the first time I’ve noted any issues with the mail. In fact, I’ve been amazed at the references to letters mailed from Earlville one night that appear at John’s hotels the next day.

Wellsboro Inn

C. B. Richardson


Wellsboro, PA.

August 24, 1921

My Darling:

I reached this town about seven o’clock tonight, and was cheered to get your good letter written yesterday. Your letters have reached me very promptly these last two weeks and I was fearful that I could not give you a good list of addresses. The clerk at the hotel also handed me a letter which was mailed at Earlville Feb.14th. It was funny to get this letter telling me about a hayride, etc. It was the letter in which you told of the family being dined and Mr. Rindlet’s.

You said in your letter of yesterday that you would like to take a ride with me. Well, that same thought has been with me all day. Have been driving all day through the Allegheny Mountains, and I really think the scenery surpasses in beauty and variety, that of the Catskills. I hope you may take this trip with me sometime. It would be great. It's mighty lonesome to ride alone all day. How I wish you could take the ride with me from here to Norwich. I dread the long ride along. I am sorry that I have missed seeing Rob. Hope Emma is to stay for a good visit.

Don't let the girls work you too hard. You know too much sewing upsets your stomach. Will be glad to get home Friday night, although I expect it will be rather late. If Mr. Foster goes down, I suppose he will drive down. It would be nicer for him to come home with me. It's such a long drive home, I don't suppose I can do much work after tomorrow. Will not write again this week, and I suppose where I've had your last letters. May catch one in Westfield, Pa. We have 5 orders today for $15, $21, $52, $25 and $16. Not so bad for August. Must make out reports and get to bed.

Love unmeasured from your affectionate,




Berlin Cabinet Reaches Decision—Full Financial Arrangements to Be Negotiated Later.

If you're new to this project, please consider going to our site and catching up with a few letters from the 1900-1910 era. The letters only take 3-5 minutes to read and you'll find the characters more fully develop if you read the letters chronologically.

John has excellent handwriting. However, in some instances, I cant decipher it. If I can't, I simply mark the spot with "xxx"s to signify thank the word isn't decipherable.

Check out our article in the New York Times!




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