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You might as well told me not to look for the sun to rise–Letter Home–Elizabeth–undated


Undated 20

Mon. AM

Dear mother,

Of course I am very anxious to know why you didn't come. There is absolutely but one excuse I will accept, and that is that you were not feeling well enough. And even this reason won't hold unless you tried to

phone. You said not to look for you, but it seemed so absolutely reasonable that you might as well told me not to look for the sun to rise. I couldn't study for my English class Sat. morning I was so excited about it and I was living on it all day. Laura and Virginia Sprague, Glad and the two Fielding girls went to church with me yesterday morning and we waited about 5 minutes after church. I sat in the Fielding girls window all the afternoon, writing to Marion and jumping at every Buick car I saw. Cars were passing every minute and nine out of ten were Buicks. I looked for you until five o'clock and then I happened to think you were calling up M.[arion] every once in a while last year, and I thought sure you would call up so I left word here and at the chapter house when I left there to go to church at night. I called up the house this a.m. to see if you had. Our phone here was out of order yesterday, but I thought you would think of the chapter house. But yesterday was not the only Sunday. There is another coming in six days.

Just let me tell you there were three brothers in H.S. (kids in other words) and grades came and stayed until yesterday morning for the game. Their sister is here in the hall and is terribly ordinary, but three of them came over 125 miles on train. Friends here in the city took a girl “just riding” last Sunday way to Cortland and back. Virginia Sprague’s people have driven here 2 or 3 times from Gouveneur and Laura's best friend’s people drove up yesterday from way down in N. J. Now I want you to plan to come next week. Let me know now and then come. I don't want any surprises because I know now how much fun it is to expect you. It is Glad's birthday next Sunday and the Fielding girls and I want to have a feed Sat. night for just us four-surprise. We're going to have rarebit and could you make us some brown bread? Would the jel you sent be good in the sandwiches or what? Nut cheese would be but with cheese in the rarebit, it would be too much. Would peanut butter and salad dressing be good? Jell I just toasted to see what kind. We expect Glad will have a birthday cake from home, but if she doesn't we can buy cakes here cheap too I think and we can get some candles. This Sat there is no big game but the Frosh team play with some college and I don't know of anything for Fri. night, so we could go to something downtown if Louise could come up Fri. morning and go back with you Sunday. Would love to have her and F.[rank] Know she would have a good time. The game and celebration the night before, wonderful. Thrilling. Have written about it in detail to M. and it will come on to you. I do hope you are not sick again. Wish you would come up here and take a rest. Write very soon and let me know about how things are.

Love, Betty


Editor's notes

This undated letter was mixed with the several before from Betty and Marion and seems to reference fall college life. She seems quite homesick.


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